(What is Islam?)
- Islam means submitting your will to almighty God. It is there since man set foot on earth. The religion of Islam is based on the Qur’an, which is the central religious text of Islam and is the revelation from God.
The revelation came for the first time about 1400 years ago, the year: 610, on a Prophet called Muhammad (peace be upon him). The people back at that time were misguided by a lot of outsider believes, so much ignorance, the injustice and the shameful deeds were widespread with the lack of Monotheism. Islam was revealed from within Quraysh (the Prophet's own tribe) in Makkah, and it's the first and last religion to be dedicated to the whole world, unlike all the previous messages where Prophets were sent to certain villages or tribes. Islam was revealed through the Noble Qur’an, and that was revealed through Angel Gabriel.
Allah says in the Quran chapter 15 verse 9 that: "We have revealed this book and we shall guide it from corruption."
Allah also challenges in the Quran chapter 2 verses 23-24: "And if you are in doubt about what We have sent down upon Our Servant (Muhammad), then produce a surah the like thereof and call upon your witnesses other than Allah, if you should be truthful. But if you do not -and you will never be able to- then fear the Fire, whose fuel is men and stones, prepared for the disbelievers." Many people have tried to reproduce the Quran but all have failed, proving that the Quran is the words of Allah alone and cannot be the words of humans.
Proof from the previous books:
- Muhammad is mentioned by name, in the original scriptures, the old testament according to Christian authorities, was preserved in Hebrew language, and the new testament in Greek language. In the old testament in the Song of Solomon 5:16, a Hebrew word ''Muhammad'im" is in the verse. Muhammad is the name of the Prophet, and 'im' is a plural of respect.
In the book of John the first chapter, the farisies have approached Yahya John the Baptist, cause he's preaching and healing people and baptising them and he's fasting and doing stuff, they're wondering, according to the Bible they approach him and say "Who are you?" "Are you Elijah?" "Or are you the Messiah?" And that translated is 'Christ' "Or are you that Prophet?" And to each of these he said "No". All of us know Elijah, he was mentioned in the old testament. Everybody knows the Messiah is Jesus. But who is that Prophet "Are you that Prophet"? Who is that Prophet? If you read as I mentioned in the Gospel of John, and there are other references in Matthew and other places in the Bible, you know who it is? It's none other than Prophet Muhammed. Prophet Muhammed is referred to as the Spirit of Truth, and as the Comforter, and as the Advocate.
And more accurately by description in Isaiah 42, He said: "The servant coming to glorify the Lord." Who is the servant? He's the Prophet Muhammad, by description not by name. Ibn Al-Qayyim (may Allah have mercy upon him) one of the scholars lived eight hundred years ago, said: Description is more stronger than the name, because immediately you give the name, you'd be asked how I know he's him, there's many Muhammad. But with the description it's clear cut: "Let the desert and it's cities lift up their voice, the villages that Kedar inhabits; let the habitants of Sela sing for joy, let them shout from the top of the mountains." Isaiah 42:11.
This prophecy specify a place and that is the desert and city of Kedar. Who's Kedar? In Genesis 25:13. These are the names of the sons of Ishmael, Nebaioth the firstborn of Ishmael, the second one is Kedar. So this prophecy speaking about someone comes from Kedar's lineage. And historically speaking, no Prophet after Isaiah came from Kedar's lineage except the Prophet Muhammad. Also specify the mountain of Sela, you can google it, mountain of Sela is in Saudi. Historically speaking, from the Muslims and non-Muslims, there was no Prophet came and made the people of Kedar rejoice, except who? Prophet Muhammad. So this clears prophecy about Prophet Muhammad, I advice you to go and read it, and there's many other prophecies about him.
“I have much more to say to you, more than you can now bear. But when he, the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come. He will glorify me because it is from me that he will receive what he will make known to you." Gospel of John 16:12-14.
The Prophet’s Life in Brief: though I wouldn't be doing it justice because there is so much to know about this amazing human being. (Therefore, I advise you all to take a look into his life and read more about it):
- Muhammad was born in Makkah as an orphan. His father died before his birth. The infant Muhammad was handed to, a Bedouin wet nurse, Haleemah, to be brought up by her in the healthy atmosphere of the desert. At the age of five, he (peace be upon him) returned to the care of his mother, Aminah bint Wahb, but she died a year later. Abdul Muttalib, the paternal grandfather of Muhammad (peace be upon him), then took care of him. He died when Muhammad was eight, and the boy was looked after by his uncle Abu Talib. At the age of twelve, he accompanied his uncle in a merchant’s caravan to Syria. One can say that the Prophet (peace be upon him) had a rough upbringing, where he lost many of his loved ones at a young age, including his parents.
As a young man, Muhammad (peace be upon him) was content to work as a shepherd, but his uncle Abu Talib desired something better for him and had him employed by a rich widow, thus Muhammad found himself at the age of 25 in charge of a caravan conveying merchandise to Syria. The same year he got married to his first wife Khadijah daughter of Khuailed when she was 40 years old, and she remained as his only wife until she died (may Allah be pleased with her). Muhammad (peace be upon him) continued to work as a merchant after the marriage, his fairness further enhanced his reputation as “Al-Amin” (The Trustworthy). He continued to take an ever-increasing interest in public affairs and to exert himself in the service of the poor, the helpless, and the weak.
Before revelation of his prophethood, whenever the iniquities of his people oppressed him, Muhammad (peace be upon him) retired to the solitude of a cave in Mount Hira outside Makkah. There his soul tried to peer into the mysteries of creation, of life and death, of good and evil, to find order out of chaos. Solitude became a passion with him, and every year he would retire to the cave for the whole month of Ramadan to mediate.
It was on one of these occasions, when he was 40 years of age, that Muhammad received revelation from Allah and the call to prophethood. One night, while he was absorbed in his thoughts in the solitude of the cave, The Revelation was revealed to him by the angel Gabriel (peace be upon him). Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) rose trembling and hastened home to seek rest and solace in Khadijah’s tender care (his wife), where she calmed and comforted him. She later consulted her kinsman, Waraqah bin Nawfal. He declared that the message that had come to Moses had now come to Muhammad, and that he was chosen as a prophet of Allah. After this, the revelation ceased for a period of time.
One day, while the Prophet (peace be upon him) was walking, he received the second revelation and it commanded him to arise and warn. He began preaching his mission secretly first among his family and intimate friends, then among the members of his own tribe, and thereafter publicly in the city and suburb . The Quraysh tribe were the guardians of the Ka'ba, which was a source of great prestige and profit to their city, Makkah. They were, therefore, seriously alarmed and became actively hostile towards Muhammad (peace be upon him).
The fury of the people of Makkah knew no bounds. Muhammad (peace be upon him) was subjected to insults, to personal violence, and to the bitterest persecution. The converts were most relentlessly oppressed, persecuted, and tortured. Therefore, in the fifth year of his mission, Muhammad (peace be upon him) advised them to leave the country and seek refuge among the Christian people of Abyssinia from the persecution of the idolaters. Muhammad (peace be upon him) and a few stalwart followers remained in Makkah and suffered untold misery and oppression. Despite the continuous oppression and torture, the number of converts to Islam increased day by day, as people realized Islam to be the true religion.
Quraysh outlawed Muhammad (peace be upon him) and asked his clan to forgo their right to avenge his blood. The proud clansmen refused to give up the right at the bidding of the people of Makkah, who thereupon boycotted Muhammad (peace be upon him) and his followers. After three years, the ban was finally lifted. A year later, Muhammad (peace be upon him) lost his uncle Abu Talib and his wife Khadijah. The death of Abu Talib removed the last check on the Makkans violence, as Abu Talib used to defend the Prophet and prevent Quraysh from torturing him since he held a high place in the clan. Persecution grew ever fiercer and Muhammad sought refuge in the neighboring city of Ta’if, where he was met with great hostility and barely escaped with his life.
Later on, the Prophet (peace be upon him) took council with his Makkan followers, and it was decided that they should immigrate to Madinah to take refuge from all the torture they faced in Makkah. This is known as the “Hijrah” to Madinah. The Muslims left gradually and unobtrusively, Muhammad remaining to the last. Their departure was soon discovered by the Quraysh, who decided to kill Muhammad before he, too, escaped. But on the night they planned to kill him, Muhammad (peace be upon him) left Makkah with Abu Bakr (his best friend). Muhammad was now free to preach, and his followers increased rapidly in Madinah. The Muslims could now worship freely and live according to the laws of Allah. But the people of Makkah were not going to allow Muhammad’s movement to take root in Madinah. They organized three great expeditions against the city, but all were beaten back.
Eventually the Makkans and Muslims concluded the Treaty of Hudaybiyah to maintain peace and to observe neutrality in their conflicts with third parties. According to the treaty, the Muslims were to return to Madinah that year without performing the pilgrimage, but they could come to do that the following year when the Quraysh would vacate the city for them for three days. It was not until the year 8 after Hijrah that the Muslims were able to put an end to this war by gaining a bloodless victory over Makkah when the Makkans violated the terms of their treaty. The people of Makkah, who had relentlessly oppressed Muhammad and his followers for 21 years, expected dire vengeance, but in the hour of their defeat, they were treated with the greatest generosity and mercy. “Go, you are free!” were the words with which Muhammad gave them general pardon. The Prophet removed all the idols in and around the Ka`bah, saying a verse from the Qur'an chapter 17 verse 81: “The Truth has come and falsehood has departed.” And the Muslim call to prayer was heard in this ancient sanctuary.
After Muhammad's death (peace be upon him), his followers faithfully carried the message of Islam by the will of God, and within 90 years, the light of Islam reached Spain, North Africa, the Caucasus, China, and India. Islam continues to grow to this day.